Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is the current norm of solution implementation.
The organization’s core solution is the engine and needs to work with a host of applications to ensure
all business needs are addressed. These surrounding solutions need to be seamlessly integrated with a
Core solution for interoperability in services offerings.
Our team has in-depth experience in various standard solution integration frameworks such as SOAP XML,
REST, ISO8583, MQ series, or file-based exchanges.
We also develop bespoke middleware for organizations to map one on one with organization systems.
Core banking and ERP customizations are also our key strengths. Any functionality currently not
available in the default solution functionality can be availed through the extensibility toolkit.
Customization can be:
- We have Finacle 10. x certified consultants with end-to-end knowledge of Finacle CBS.
- Installation, setup, and parameterization of Finacle CBS
- Finacle C24 setup and tuning.
- FI setup and tuning.
- Finacle processes re-engineering.
- Development of a custom menu-option
- Development of a custom batch job
- Development of a custom report.
- Development of a new workflow process
- Adding functionality to an existing product menu.
- Fields Management-Protecting field, making a field mandatory.
- New channel service offering.
- ESB customizations
- Finacle Integrator customizations.
- IT Outsourcing
- Customer Remote Account Opening
- Bank Customer Engagement
- Transaction Notification API
- Pesalink Integrations
- Mobile Money integrations